There’s a saying that hangs around small business circles.  From memory, it’s something like “a plumber’s pipes are always leaking” or something to that effect.  And it’s meant to signify that one was so busy, that the service they are providing and are getting paid for, has not been used for their own purposes.  Generally, this is seen as a sign of a business going well, but it’s just as easily presumed that it’s because, a) they’re not getting paid for it, or b) they’re just too lazy.

Now being a company that can do, and have done, websites, you’d think our website would be pretty special.  Well, it wasn’t, and it still isn’t, but we’re slowly getting there and it’s much better now than it was before.

Unfortunately, it took us a while to realise that people were actually checking us out online (rookie mistake) and the website at the time, was not representing us in the best light and was most likely costing us work and it had to change.

So, if you have a spare minute or two, please check it out. It’s still a work in progress, and yup there are some things not working, and other things missing, and we haven’t even included some of the cooler projects we’ve done, but we think it’s a step in the right direction, and for now, its paints us in a better picture.

I’m hoping we get some time to finish it off soon, cause I know the team are gonna flame me for even posting up about our half-finished website.  But you know, there’s a lot of work to be done, and some cool things to build, and there are deadlines approaching, and technology that just cant wait. You know the saying, “a plumber’s pipes are always leaking….”

PS: I hope all of you reading this had safe and happy end of year celebrations, however you chose to celebrate it.

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